Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Frequently Bought Together

Uncle Sam with Ketchup, originally uploaded by Gregory Tipton.

Uncle Sam cereal with ketchup...? Ketchup with xylitol in it...? Does Amazon.com just make this stuff up? Seriously, it would make me feel better to know that these combinations were just randomly created by a staff member with a sickening sense of humor.

Frequently bought together...? I just can't get it out of my mind...

This is like having an automobile engine cleaned by a professional formula one pit crew, and then pouring a three liter bottle of Mr. Pibb into the crankcase.

I cannot help but wonder... Surely... Oh, surely those who purchase these two products aren't consuming them (oh please no!) as part of the same meal!?!

I think my "ack-o-meter" just red-lined.

1 comment:

  1. Well, rats, another meal plan idea of mine out the window!
