Friday, August 31, 2012

SIRI: One Second... I'll Be Right With You.

The following is a 99% accurate transcription of an ongoing conversation between Siri and me. Scroll down to see assorted screenshots below.

ME: ESPN schedule. 

SIRI: One second...

SIRI: I'll be right with you...

SIRI: Sorry, I couldn't do that. Could you try it again, please? 

(OK, clearly a false start, let's try again...)

SIRI: What can I help you with?

ME: ESPN schedule.

SIRI: When is your meeting? 

ME: ESPN schedule.

SIRI: OK... when? 

ME: ESPN television schedule.

SIRI: I don't know what you mean by 'ESPN television schedule'.

SIRI: OK... when? 

ME: Find the ESPN broadcast television schedule. 

SIRI: OK, Gregory, I found 12 appointments: 

... !

ME: ESPN television schedule for today?

SIRI: I'm on it. 

SIRI: I'm sorry, I couldn't do that. How about a web search for 'ESPN television schedule today'? 

ME: Yes. Please. 

Selected Screenshots:

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Path Is Too Deep

Three folders is too deep?

Monday, August 13, 2012

Please Wait A While.

How long is a while?

This one came courtesy of Mr. Satterlund.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

What Was That Netflix?

So, Netflix.... If, as you say, the title wasn't in my queue, what button did I click that gave me the option to remove it?


Yeah, that's what I thought...

Friday, August 3, 2012

This Seems Pointless...

...And I quote: "**Reporting that the volume is fine without checking anything."